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Art-O-Rama Shop

『預購』馬諦斯 爵士系列 1947 -純棉T-Shirt

『預購』馬諦斯 爵士系列 1947 -純棉T-Shirt

Regular price $980.00 TWD
Regular price Sale price $980.00 TWD
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Henri Matisse Icarus Plate VIII From the Illustrated Book "Jazz" 1947 T-Shirt

  • 短袖、圓領 
  • 100%純棉(優質精梳環錠紡棉),灰色含有10%的聚酯纖維
  • 32平紋針織布料製作
  • 有男、女版型尺寸(女版型做腰身)
  • Oeko-Tex® Standard 100 Certified


法國野獸派藝術家亨利馬諦斯 Henri Matisse (1869-1954)是20世紀初「野獸派」的創始領袖,他突破以往對於實物明暗及立體感的摹寫,大膽使用鮮明的平面色彩、奔放的線條,回歸繪畫中簡潔的視覺構成。

1941年後,馬諦斯因病行動不便,轉而使用剪紙拼貼創作,「爵士」系列便是結合剪貼、版畫以及詩文的插圖繪本。其中《伊卡》 (Icarus) 取材自希臘神話,馬諦斯用黃藍對比的色彩,極簡的造型,描繪故事主人翁伊卡因為蠟作的翅膀融化,而從空中墜落的情景。

Best known as the driving force of Fauvism towards the end of his career Henri Matisse produced an equal number of cut-out “paintings” that are known for their rigid lines, richly saturated colors and dynamic compositions. Icarus, or The Flight of Icarus (click on the detail to see the full image) is perhaps his best known work from the book of cutouts titled Jazz.

Icarus was a protagonist of a well-known Greek myth that was quite popular among European painters as a subject.


From 美國硬地品牌- ART-O-RAMA SHOP


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